Covid-19 Visualization in Python

Welcome to my Blog, 

Today I made this wonderful project named Covid19 Visulaization in Python.

Basically the project was pretty awesome and well guided. I completed this awesome project from the the instructor was very thorough with his comcepts and the way of teaching was simply awesome.

This project consisted of importing a csv file consisting of covid 19 cases and the best part of this dataset is that it is updated daily and handled by John Hopkins University.

The dataset can be found at this github repository: Covid-19 Dataset.

I made 4 charts from the collected Dataset.

Here are the Screenshots of them:

All Of these were made from scratch using datascience tools available in python.
You can too make this project the course was pretty straight forward and on point and the best part of all of this is it is available for free of cost and anybody can enroll in this project course.

All thanks to TheCodex and Avinash Jain for making such projects and couses free for everbody. 


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